Tuesday, February 6, 2007

A reapproach to Grace

LIFE although there are experiences that cause the sweetest soul to corrupt, dont change just grow, grow as a woman, grow as an individual, grow as a Lover of your own self because maybe than will your heart be taken seriously.

inspired by the life of Hale



Noel said...

Thats a tight poem, but just to play devil's advocate, do you love yourself? which makes others take you seriously?

*You have splendid talent*

Noel said...

Me gusto tu poema


~eVeLyN~ said...

This is deep Adam... I never seen this side to you... But then again that just goes to prove your point made in your "ABOUT ME" section, right? Like the saying goes: "just cause we dont see it does not mean its not there"... There's alot i can learn from BUT also, might sound weird, you can learn from yourself. You are smarter than you give yourself credit for. You have tons of intelligent things to say but you either sleep it off in class (lol) or other stuff ( i aint tryin to put you on blast that much:) ) Keep up the good work and i look forward to bettering out our friendship... Ill start by learning better vocab:) TOOTLES!