Thursday, February 8, 2007

Journal #2

Title: i am accused of tending to the past
Author: Lucille Clifton
Style: Contemporary Poetry

S: A female historian
O: Reminiscing on events that happened on the past
A: Everyone
P: To raise awareness about people’s actions
S: History repeats it’s self
Tone: Harsh


“why i was not accused of tending to the past”

why i was not accused of tending to the past
as if i do not have the ability to make it
as if i do not have the ability to construct it
backed by the hands of my blood soaked ancestors, i could have.
this past could have been birthed by me
why was i passed up in the suspect line
i am capable of constructing a soil soaker
and i with my father’s switch
could of tormented it to the point of no return
and named it
he is more of a devil now,
practicing killing everyday
remembering poverty, masters and boats
when he is tired of being locked up
on his own, lives will be taken, he will spire nothing.

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