Friday, February 16, 2007

Journal #3

Title: i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
Author: E. E. Cummings
Style: Contemporary
S: Some one in love
O: Confessing his unrestrained love
A: The world (most important his or
her lover
P: To express heart felt emotionsS: Spreading love
Tone: Soft


I carry your essences on the back of my soul
I do not ever want to put it down
I dream
Of happiness
I need
Your presence
And that’s all that can make me whole confessing
And no matter the when you come back ill always
let you back in

here is where you want to be
in my arms love will secure you from the evils of the
so come back as soon as possible because I need you

I carry your essences


I choose to respond to this poem because it reminded me of the poetry that I write. The poetry that I write is never read the same way by two people not unless he or she knows me really well. Each time I write a poem I mainly focus on the arte of trying to get through to an individual who probably knows me better than I know myself or in most cases think she does. With this I created to respond to the author’s message I tried to keep the way the poem is structured similar and the way main theme the seem. I tried to make the poem in to something more realistic to my nature by using the word “essences” rather than heart. The respond is just to someone that has wondered off the trail to love and looks like the she needs help finding her way back.

1 comment:

twinkie14 said...

Wuzz Up Adam,

I really like the poem that you wrote for this journal response. I really like the way that E.E Cummings and how she writes because i think that i can connect with her. Your poetry was great, i like the line "i carry your essences in the back of my soul" that's deep i also like how you ended your poem with the line "i carry your essence." This whole poem i think really says a lot about you and the type of person that you are. Well yea this poem was cool keep it up with your poetry.