Sunday, January 28, 2007

Never Ending Fairy Tale

Living by the minute is a process, can't really live for tomorrow because it's truly not promised. Time machines wouldn't even do us any good so disregard all regrets and mistakes and aspire to do better next time. Only then can happiness be gained. Most times self restrictions are set in place in order to protect the open hearted, but melt away in the presence of that special person. Memories are meant to be smiled upon; sorries are not necessary because sincerity lies in the eyes of you. That is what counts.



Eunice said...

I like it. Did you write this?..cuz if you did its really good.

S.S.G.C. said...

I really like this poem that you have put up. I agree with you, we should live every minute like if it was the last, because if we stay longing for the future we might take the present for granted.
Unlike you, I believe that fate was not predetermined but instead we take different steps that shape our future and therefore our lives. That is why I believe that if we are not involved in our present our future wont count.

Good job!

Noel said...
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Noel said...

I didnt know you were so inspirational with your words AD, maybe you should let others in and see the real AD, but I guess your philosophy makes you keep things to yourself. Its true though, do what you got to do. Live your life to the fullest.
-Your Mexican Brother

MO said...

I read this the first time you told me to read it and it was deep. Now that I read it again it's even deeper when I think about every line one by one.