Tuesday, January 30, 2007


My writing suffers from my eagerness to develop a complex thought. I do not thoroughly go back and explain unclear thoughts and that's what causes the failure in achieving excellence. I create complex theses but the rest of my paper suffers from my lack of revision skills. I believe I write better papers when i spend a long time creating the draft rather than spending my time perfecting my thesis.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Never Ending Fairy Tale

Living by the minute is a process, can't really live for tomorrow because it's truly not promised. Time machines wouldn't even do us any good so disregard all regrets and mistakes and aspire to do better next time. Only then can happiness be gained. Most times self restrictions are set in place in order to protect the open hearted, but melt away in the presence of that special person. Memories are meant to be smiled upon; sorries are not necessary because sincerity lies in the eyes of you. That is what counts.


Friday, January 26, 2007

Poetic Language

Poetic language is a language used to appeal to an individuals imagination. The language is not as clear as possible and may cause an individual to enter into deeper thought then necessary, if an individual does not have any connection with the speaker. Poetic language is the best way to express various types of emotions.

Poetry is different from poetic language because poetry consist of a bunch of ideas that are set in place by its author to create an in dept message. Poetry is often times published while poetric language is used to appeal to an individual's emotions; in some cases.